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An Stáidéar Saol Scoile Páistí: Tuarascáil 7

An Stáidéar Saol Scoile Páistí: Tuarascáil 7

Foghlaim Tuilleadh


The aim of Leaving Certificate Portuguese is to develop learners’ ability to use the target language for communicative purposes, to explore the interdependence between language and culture, to foster an appreciation of the value of languages for lifelong personal, educational, vocational and leisure purposes, and to derive enjoyment from language learning. 

It aims to develop learners’ plurilingual and pluricultural competence through language awareness by encouraging language learning strategies, fostering an understanding of how languages, in particular the target language, work. Recognising the connections between languages can assist the process of language learning. 

Finally, this specification aims to support social integration and active citizenship as well as an appreciation for the unique and exciting opportunities offered by languages, at school, outside the classroom and in the workplace.

Cuireadh leis an ngearrthaisce é go rathúil.