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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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Third and Fourth Class

The resources presented in this section are suggested for teaching 3rd and 4th class pupils. These resources have been developed by state agencies or organisations with expertise in the area of SPHE/RSE. Each resource is also freely available to use in Irish primary school classrooms. 

The resources presented aim to provide a range of relevant materials to address the strands and strand units of RSE, as an aspect of SPHE. Each resource should be considered in respect to the particular needs and interests of children, their parents, the wider school community, and your school’s SPHE and RSE policies.

Please note that the Stay Safe Programme is listed for the relevant strand units to illustrate that it can be used to teach aspects of SPHE/RSE. However, unlike other resources presented, the Stay Safe programme is mandatory and must be taught in all school contexts.


Walk Tall - PDST (2016)

The Walk Tall resource aims to give children the confidence, skills, attitudes and knowledge to make healthy choices in their lives. This resource was updated in 2016 and now provides a comprehensive set of lessons to teach SPHE. 


3rd Class Manual Unit 2

My Name is Special

My Strengths

Everyone is Unique


4th Class Manual Unit 1

Who Am I

I Know I Think


Lift Off - Amnesty International (2003)

The Lift Off resource focuses on human rights issues. It explores rights and responsibilities and promotes appreciation for the uniqueness and diversity of human beings. 

Who are we? 


Picture book and story resources:

Picture books can support children to explore topics from a distance or through a fictional lens. Stories with diverse characters can be used to promote inclusion and celebrate diversity, develop understanding and empathy for others, and support the wellbeing of the children who identify with the characters or see their family members represented.  


Children’s Books for Wellbeing PDST (2020) 

The Children’s Books for Wellbeing document explores how picture books and novels may be used to support teaching and learning in SPHE. The book list section includes pictures books that address a wide variety of topics, including books that explore self-belief and self-confidence, gender expression and identity, celebrate uniqueness and diversity, and promote inclusion. Prior to considering a book for your class, please ensure it is suitable for the class level(s) you teach.

Children’s Books for Wellbeing

Different Abilities – Children’s Books Ireland (2021)

Different Abilities is a book list with stories about accepting difference, respecting individuality and celebrating diversity. This resource recommends books that are suitable for children aged 0-18 years. Prior to considering a book for your class, please note the recommended age range and ensure it is suitable for the class level(s) you teach. 

Different Abilities Reading List 


BOLD GIRLS – Children’s Books Ireland (2018)

BOLD GIRLS is a themed reading guide which highlights strong female role models. It challenges stereotypes and shows female characters with agency, power and opinions. This resource recommends books that are suitable for children aged 0-18 years. Prior to considering a book for your class, please note the recommended age range and ensure it is suitable for the class level(s) you teach. 

BOLD GIRLS Reading Guide

BOLD GIRLS Resource Pack 


 Making decisions


Walk Tall - PDST (2016)

The Walk Tall resource aims to give children the confidence, skills, attitudes and knowledge to make healthy choices in their lives. This resource was updated in 2016 and now provides a comprehensive set of lessons to teach SPHE. 


4th Class Unit 4



The Stay Safe Programme Child Abuse Prevention Programme (2016)

The Stay Safe Programme should be taught in its entirety over one school year with topics taught consecutively. The Stay Safe Programme is a personal safety skills programme for primary schools. The aim of the programme is to reduce vulnerability to child abuse and bullying through the provision of personal safety education for children and training for teachers, school management boards and parents.

The Stay Safe Programme

     Taking care of my body


Knowing about my body 


Busy Bodies - HSE (2020)

The Busy Bodies resource was updated in 2020 with a new booklet. The resource provides useful and supportive information about the physical and emotional changes that children will experience during puberty, the basics of reproduction, and how young people can look after themselves as they grow up. Teachers can use the booklet to support preparation for teaching and learning while the resource can be shared with parents/guardians as a support and source of information for themselves and their child during puberty. 

Why Does Puberty Happen?


Walk Tall - PDST (2016)

The Walk Tall resource aims to give children the confidence, skills, attitudes and knowledge to make healthy choices in their lives. This resource was updated in 2016 and now provides a comprehensive set of lessons to teach SPHE. 


3rd Class Manual Unit  7

As I Grow I Change


4th Class Manual Unit 7

We are All Unique

Changing Bodies


The Stay Safe Programme - Child Abuse Prevention Programme (2016)

The Stay Safe Programme should be taught in its entirety over one school year with topics taught consecutively. The Stay Safe Programme is a personal safety skills programme for primary schools. The aim of the programme is to reduce vulnerability to child abuse and bullying through the provision of personal safety education for children and training for teachers, school management boards and parents.

Stay Safe Programme


   Growing and changing 


As I grow I change


RSE Resource Government of Ireland (1998)

The RSE resource provides a menu of options for classroom lessons from which teachers can choose to support aspects of SPHE. In particular, it can support the sensitive aspects of RSE. 

As I Grow I Change

Growing and Changing


The Professional Development Service for Teachers, Health and Wellbeing - PDST

The PDST Health and Wellbeing Team have created this resource to support RSE. 

Puberty Sorting Resource


Birth and new life


RSE Resource - Government of Ireland (1998)

The RSE resource provides a menu of options for classroom lessons from which teachers can choose to support aspects of SPHE. In particular, it can support the sensitive aspects of RSE. 

The Wonder of New Life


The Gestation Period Resource - Adapted from the RSE Classroom Materials, Dr Seline Keating, SPHE Network  

*Updated Gestation Period Dr Seline Keating SPHE Network


Feelings and emotions 


Walk Tall - PDST (2016)

The Walk Tall resource aims to give children the confidence, skills, attitudes and knowledge to make healthy choices in their lives. This resource was updated in 2016 and now provides a comprehensive set of lessons to teach SPHE. 


3rd Class Manual Unit 3

Our Actions Affect the Feelings of Others


4th Class Manual Unit 3

How do you Feel?

Expressing feelings


Lift Off - Amnesty International (2003)

The Lift Off resource focuses on human rights issues. It explores rights and responsibilities and promotes appreciation for the uniqueness and diversity of human beings. 

What do we need? 


Children’s Books for Wellbeing PDST (2020) 

The Children’s Books for Wellbeing document explores how picture books and novels may be used to support teaching and learning in SPHE. The book list section includes picture books that explore a range of feelings and emotions. Prior to considering a book for your class, please ensure it is suitable for the class level(s) you teach.

Children’s Books for Wellbeing


The Stay Safe Programme - Child Abuse Prevention Programme (2016)

The Stay Safe Programme should be taught in its entirety over one school year with topics taught consecutively. The Stay Safe Programme is a personal safety skills programme for primary schools. The aim of the programme is to reduce vulnerability to child abuse and bullying through the provision of personal safety education for children and training for teachers, school management boards and parents.

Stay Safe Programme


Safety and protection


SunSmart - HSE (2022)

The SunSmart lesson plans and activity sheets were developed to support teachers to integrate sun protection education and behaviours into the classroom. 

Lesson Plans and Activity Sheets

The Stay Safe Programme - Child Abuse Prevention Programme (2016)

The Stay Safe Programme should be taught in its entirety over one school year with topics taught consecutively. The Stay Safe Programme is a personal safety skills programme for primary schools. The aim of the programme is to reduce vulnerability to child abuse and bullying through the provision of personal safety education for children and training for teachers, school management boards and parents.

Stay Safe Programme

           Myself and my family


Walk Tall - PDST (2016)

The Walk Tall resource aims to give children the confidence, skills, attitudes and knowledge to make healthy choices in their lives. This resource was updated in 2016 and now provides a comprehensive set of lessons to teach SPHE. 


4th Class Manual Unit 3

My Family

Changing in the Families


Picture Book and Story Resources: 

Stories with diverse characters can be used to promote inclusion and celebrate diversity, develop understanding and empathy for others, and support the wellbeing of the children who identify with the characters or see their family members represented.  


Celebrating Families Reading List – Children's Books Ireland (2021)

The Celebrating Families Reading List includes books that celebrate all types of families. This resource recommends books that are suitable for children aged 0-18 years. Prior to considering a book for your class, please note the recommended age range and ensure it is suitable for the class level(s) you teach. 

Celebrating Families Reading List



     Myself and other people


Different Families Same Love - INTO LGBT+ Teachers' Group

The Different Families Same Love resource aims to support teachers to effectively implement the Anti-Bullying Procedures, with strategies to address homophobic and transphobic bullying. The resource includes good practice guidelines for inclusive schools, advice on class-appropriate use of language, and lesson ideas for all classes in primary school. 


Lesson ideas


Children’s Books for Wellbeing -  PDST (2020)

The Children’s Books for Wellbeing document explores how picture books and novels may be used to support teaching and learning in SPHE. The book list section includes picture books that explore friendship and bullying. Prior to considering a book for your class, please ensure it is suitable for the class level(s) you teach.

Children’s Books for Wellbeing


            Relating to others


The Stay Safe Programme - Child Abuse Prevention Programme (2016)

The Stay Safe Programme should be taught in its entirety over one school year with topics taught consecutively. The Stay Safe Programme is a personal safety skills programme for primary schools. The aim of the programme is to reduce vulnerability to child abuse and bullying through the provision of personal safety education for children and training for teachers, school management boards and parents.

Stay Safe Programme

      Developing citizenship


Walk Tall - PDST (2016)

The Walk Tall resource aims to give children the confidence, skills, attitudes and knowledge to make healthy choices in their lives. This resource was updated in 2016 and now provides a comprehensive set of lessons to teach SPHE. 


4th Class Manual Unit 8

Holding onto my Values


Lift Off - Amnesty International (2003)

The Lift Off resource focuses on human rights issues. It explores rights and responsibilities and promotes appreciation for the uniqueness and diversity of human beings. 

Rights and Responsibilities 

Rights in Confict

All Equal?


Picture Books and Story Resources: 

Picture books can support children to explore topics from a distance or through a fictional lens. Stories can be used to develop understanding and empathy for others, promote inclusion and celebrate diversity.


Children’s Books for Wellbeing -  PDST (2020)

The Children’s Books for Wellbeing document explores how picture books and novels may be used to support teaching and learning in SPHE. The book list section includes pictures books that address a wide variety of topics, including human rights, poverty, homelessness and refugees. Prior to considering a book for your class, please ensure it is suitable for the class level(s) you teach.

Children’s Books for Wellbeing


Together With Refugees Reading List – Children’s Books Ireland (2020)

The Together With Refugees Reading List encourages readers to see the world from the perspective of a refugee. This resource recommends books that are suitable for children aged 0-18 years. Prior to considering a book for your class, please note the recommended age range and ensure it is suitable for the class level(s) you teach. 

Together With Refugees Reading List


Different Abilities Reading List  – Children’s Books Ireland (2021)

Different Abilities is a book list with stories about accepting difference, respecting individuality and celebrating diversity. This resource recommends books that are suitable for children aged 0-18 years. Prior to considering a book for your class, please note the recommended age range and ensure it is suitable for the class level(s) you teach. 

Different Abilities Reading List


BOLD GIRLS Resources – Children’s Books Ireland (2018)

BOLD GIRLS is a themed reading guide which highlights strong female role models. It challenges stereotypes and shows female characters with agency, power and opinions. This resource recommends books that are suitable for children aged 0-18 years. Prior to considering a book for your class, please note the recommended age range and ensure it is suitable for the class level(s) you teach. 

BOLD GIRLS Reading Guide

BOLD GIRLS Resource Pack


  Media education


HTML Heroes - Webwise 

The HTML Heros resource deals with the skills required to safely and effectively communicate online. You will need to read how to use this resource as it is fully interactive.

Privacy and Personal Information

Respectful Online Communication

Anonymous Online


MediaWise: Media Literacy Resource - Safefood (2017)

The interactive activities in this resource were designed to support children to make sense of the digital world and develop medial literacy skills. It aims to develops critical thinking skills and support children to navigate media, marketing and advertising.

What is the Media?

The Message and Emotion Behind the Media

Who is the target?

Media's Influence on Us


The Stay Safe Programme - Child Abuse Prevention Programme (2016)

The Stay Safe Programme should be taught in its entirety over one school year with topics taught consecutively. The Stay Safe Programme is a personal safety skills programme for primary schools. The aim of the programme is to reduce vulnerability to child abuse and bullying through the provision of personal safety education for children and training for teachers, school management boards and parents.

Stay Safe Programme

Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST)

Tips for parents on how to support teaching of RSE 


Making the 'Big Talk' many small talks (HSE)

A resource to support parents have conversations with their children aged 8 to 12 about relationships and healthy sexuality development.​

Making the 'Big Talk' many small talks


Busy Bodies (HSE)

The Busy Bodies resource was updated in 2020 with a new booklet. The resource provides useful and supportive information about the physical and emotional changes that children will experience during puberty, the basics of reproduction, and how young people can look after themselves as they grow up. Teachers can use the booklet to support preparation for teaching and learning while the resource can be shared with parents/guardians as a support and source of information for themselves and their child during puberty. 

Busy Bodies 


National Parents Council – Primary

NPC exists to ensure that all parents are supported and empowered to become effective partners in their children’s education. 

NPCp runs workshops for parents on talking to your child about relationships and sex. Call 01 8874475 or 01 8874481 for more information. They also have a helpline number: 01 887 4477. You can visit their website here


BeLongTo parents (LGBTi support)

BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organisation supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI+) young people in Ireland.


An information resource for families of gender variant children and transgender young people in the Republic of Ireland. 




Provides a wide variety of up-to-date internet sfaety resources, supports and information for parents/guardians 



The Stay Safe Programme - Child Abuse Prevention Programme

The Stay Safe Programme should be taught in its entirety over one school year with topics taught consecutively. The Stay Safe programme is a personal safety skills programme for primary schools. The aim of the programme is to reduce vulnerability to child abuse and bullying through the provision of personal safety education for children and training for teachers, school management boards and parents.

Parents Guide

Stay Safe Parents | PDST

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