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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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The Department of Education has issued a new list of prescribed material for Leaving Certificate Irish for examination in June 2027. This list replaces the appendices on pages 28-29 and pages 49-52 of the Irish syllabus.

Illustration of two people carrying a large book

Leaving Certificate Irish builds upon the language developed during Junior Cycle. All four language skills are further developed in order to enable the learner take an active part in the bilingual society in which we live in today in Ireland. The learner is encouraged to develop and share her/his views on a range of topics. The learner is also prepared during Senior Cycle for further study in or through Irish.

Irish is assessed at three levels i.e. Foundation Level, Ordinary Level or Higher Level. The learner’s oral competency is assessed around Easter of the final year, in an oral examination worth 40%, at each level, of the overall mark, and the other three skills are assessed in June. Aspects of literary works must be studied at Ordinary Level while at Higher Level these same works and additional material must be studied in greater detail.


Foundation Level syllabus