LCA The Leaving Certificate Applied programme is a two-year Leaving Certificate programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life. The programme sets out to recognise the talents of all students and to provide opportunities for developing personal responsibility, self-esteem and self-knowledge, and helps students apply what they learn to the real world. The two-year programme consists of four half-year blocks called sessions. Achievement is credited in each session. Courses are offered in three main areas: Vocational Preparation; General Education; and Vocational Education. Assessment Assessment takes place on the completion of modules, and there is also a final examination in each of the following areas: English and Communication Two vocational specialisms Mathematical Applications Language Social Education (see changes to the module below) Students who successfully complete the programme are awarded a Leaving Certificate from the Department of Education and Science. The certificate is awarded at three levels: Pass; Merit; and Distinction. Changes to the Programme On 29 March 2022, the Minister for Education, Norma Foley, TD, announced plans for a reimagined Senior Cycle education for post-primary students – Equity and Excellence for All, where the student is at the centre of their Senior Cycle experience. In the context of the LCA programme, it was announced that students’ options would be enhanced by providing access to Leaving Certificate Established (LCE) Mathematics and Modern Foreign Languages from September 2022. As a result, an addendum has been added to the existing programme statement that modifies and supplements it to enable students following the LCA programme to access LCE Mathematics and/or a Modern Foreign Language. As of September 2025, students entering year one of the Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) programme will be required to study the new Senior Cycle Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) curriculum specification. The new specification for Senior Cycle SPHE will replace Social Education modules 1 and 4. As a result, students following the LCA Programme will be entirely assessed in SPHE through the satisfactory completion of Key Assignments. Where the final examination of Social Education will be discontinued for this cohort of students, they will continue to accumulate credits through the relevant Key Assignments and the Contemporary Issues Task. Leaving Certificate Applied Programme Statement - Students entering LCA Year 1 2024/25 Leaving Certificate Applied Programme Statement - Students entering LCA Year 1 2025/26 LCA Programme Addendum: Frequently Asked Questions LCA Programme Addendum: Frequently Asked Questions – Student Version Reflection Assignment for students studying Leaving Certificate Established Mathematics as part of the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme Module Descriptors /senior-cycle/lca/active-leisure-studies/ ALS Active Leisure Studies /senior-cycle/lca/agriculture-horticulture/ AH Agriculture/ Horticulture /senior-cycle/lca/childcare-community-care/ CC Childcare/Community Care /senior-cycle/lca/craft-and-design/ CD Craft and Design /senior-cycle/lca/dance/ DA Dance /senior-cycle/lca/drama/ DR Drama /senior-cycle/lca/engineering/ EN Engineering /senior-cycle/lca/english-and-communication/ EC English and Communication /senior-cycle/lca/gaeilge-chumarsaideach/ GC Gaeilge Chumarsáideach /senior-cycle/lca/graphics-and-construction-studies/ GCS Graphics and Construction Studies /senior-cycle/lca/hair-and-beauty/ HB Hair and Beauty /senior-cycle/lca/hotel-catering-and-tourism/ HCT Hotel Catering and Tourism /senior-cycle/lca/information-and-communications-technology-(voc-specialism)/ ICT Information and Communications Technology (Voc. Specialism) /senior-cycle/lca/introduction-to-information-and-communications-technology/ ICT Introduction to Information and Communications Technology /senior-cycle/lca/leisure-and-recreation/ LR Leisure and Recreation /senior-cycle/lca/mathematical-applications/ MA Mathematical Applications /senior-cycle/lca/modern-languages/ ML Modern Languages /senior-cycle/lca/music/ MU Music /senior-cycle/lca/office-administration-and-customer-care/ OCC Office Administration and Customer Care /senior-cycle/lca/religious-education/ RE Religious Education /senior-cycle/lca/science/ SC Science /senior-cycle/lca/sign-language/ SL Sign Language /senior-cycle/lca/social-education/ SE Social Education /senior-cycle/lca/technology/ TE Technology /senior-cycle/lca/visual-art/ VA Visual Art /senior-cycle/lca/vocational-preparation-and-guidance/ VPG Vocational Preparation and Guidance