Science Science in the curriculum helps students understand the world around them. It contributes to their general education. The Science elective aims to develop scientific literacy for students so that they are confident and competent when faced with science in their everyday lives. It also aims to enable them to appreciate the skills and knowledge of science. Finally the elective aims to inform student so that if they wish to proceed to appropriate PLC courses they appreciate the kind of work involved. Students may have studied science in primary school or have done Junior Certificate Science. The Science elective provides a continuation of science with the emphasis on everyday life. Equally students who may have had no exposure to science will in Science meet science in a relevant and concrete way before they leave school. At Leaving Certificate level science syllabuses are designed to incorporate the following components: science for the enquiring mind or pure science, to include the principles, procedures and concepts of the subject as well as its cultural and historical aspects science for action or the applications of science and its interface with technology science which is concerned with issues - political, social and economic - of concern to citizens The Leaving Certificate Applied Science modules focus on ‘science for action’ and ‘science for citizens’ and draws on ‘pure science’ on a ‘need to know’ basis. All modules have a social dimension, consider ethical issues and provide students with the scientific knowledge they need for everyday life. Science Module Descriptor