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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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Overview: Course

The specification for this junior cycle short course in Keeping well, looking good, being great focuses on developing cognitive, social and practical skills through three strands. The three strands presented here are: Keeping well, Looking good and Being great.

Strand 1: Keeping well. In this strand, students identify people, places and signs in the community that support their physical wellbeing and safety. 

Strand 2: Looking good. This strand helps students to identify the importance of taking care of their personal appearance and the steps that are involved in doing so. The students also explore how a healthy diet can contribute to physical wellbeing and appearance.

Strand 3: Being great. This strand contributes to students developing a positive mental wellbeing. Students develop self-esteem, self-confidence and identify techniques which promote mindfulness. Students also have opportunities to learn about and demonstrate their awareness of appropriate social behaviour, including how to keep themselves safe.

Strands are to be completed in the order presented in this specification.

The first part of the Classroom-Based Assessment should be completed prior to commencing the short course. The Classroom-Based Assessment outlined below reflects the learning students undertake in this NCCA short course. Schools have the flexibility to adapt any NCCA-developed short course to suit their particular needs and school context, with the exception of the Classroom-Based Assessment, which all students taking this short course will complete. Schools may develop their own short course(s) and related Classroom-Based Assessment. Guidelines for schools who wish to develop their own short courses are available at Junior Cycle: Short Courses.

The learning outcomes in this short course are broadly aligned with the level indicators for Level 1 of the National Framework of Qualifications (Appendix A).

The course has been designed for approximately 100 hours of student engagement.

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