Statements of Learning The following table shows how history is linked to central features of learning and teaching outlined in the Framework for Junior Cycle 2015. The statement Examples of relevant learning SOL 3: The student creates, appreciates and critically interprets a wide range of texts. Students will interrogate a range of primary and secondary historical sources and will use their historical knowledge and conceptual understanding to produce their own texts using a variety of formats. SOL 6: The student appreciates and respects how diverse values, beliefs and traditions have contributed to the communities and culture in which he/ she lives. Students will learn about the roots of their historical inheritance through exploring aspects of the history of their own locality, such as interviewing older people about religious practices and traditions. SOL 7: The student values what it means to be an active citizen, with rights and responsibilities to local and wider contexts. Students will explore how the role of the individual in society evolved over time, including an exploration of the concept of rights and citizenship, by exploring how ordinary people lived under different systems of government, such as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. SOL 8: The student values local, national and international heritage, understands the importance of the relationship between past and current events and the forces that drive change. Students will explore why certain historical events are commemorated, such as the Holocaust; they will investigate the historical roots of a contemporary issue or theme and examine how, for example, the Crusades have impacted on the modern world. SOL 9: The student understands the origins and impact of social, economic and environmental aspects of the world around him/ her. The student will explore social change by looking at causes and consequences of migration patterns or population change, such as those caused by the Black Death or by exploring how migration and settlement affected identity on the island of Ireland. SOL 18: The student observes and evaluates empirical events and processes and draws valid conclusions and deductions. Students will explore the discipline of history, including working with evidence and making historical judgements based on an interrogation of evidence; for example, exploring how the 1916 Rising influenced the events that led to the Anglo-Irish Treaty in 1921. SOL 24: The student uses technology and digital media tools to learn, communicate, work and think collaboratively and creatively in a responsible and ethical manner. Students will engage with and critically evaluate ICT when locating historical sources and evidence and in the creation of responses to questions about the past.