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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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Statements of learning

The following pages show how Food, glorious food may be linked to central features of learning and teaching in junior cycle.

Food, glorious food and statements of learning

 Links between Food, glorious food and the statements of learning

Statements of learning (SOL)


Examples of related learning in the course

SOL 1: The student communicates effectively using a variety of means in a range of contexts in L1.

The student uses a range of expressive communication skills to interact with others in school and in the community in informal and formal situations. Text[1] is interpreted and used to make informed choices around food and drink to be consumed.

SOL 13: The student understands the importance of food and diet in making healthy lifestyle choices.

In all strands, the student learns about making choices regarding the food and drink that they consume. They explore the differences between healthy and unhealthy food and drink and planning a balanced diet. They have opportunities to grow their own food and visit local producers and suppliers. Dining in a range of settings enables them to transfer their knowledge across a range of practical situations.

SOL 23: The student brings an idea from conception to realisation.

Through planning and creating a menu the student uses all of the skills developed in the course in a practical and meaningful way. 

Food, glorious food and key skills and Priority Learning Units

In addition to their specific content and knowledge, the subjects and short courses of junior cycle provide students with opportunities to develop a range of key skills. The junior cycle curriculum focuses on eight key skills.

Figure 1: Key skills of junior cycle

There is an overlap between the learning in the PLUs with the key skills of junior cycle developed for all students.

Table 2 below lists the PLUs, some elements of those PLUs and the sorts of associated learning activities that will support students in achieving the learning outcomes and elements of the PLUs. Teachers can also build many of the other elements of the key skills of junior cycle into their classroom planning.

Table 2: Links between the Priority Learning Units (PLUs), elements of the PLUs and student learning activity


PLU element

Student learning activity

Communication, language and literacy


The student makes choices around food and drink when presented with a range of texts in a variety of settings.


Pattern and sequence

Measure and data

The student follows the correct sequence of steps to prepare a healthy snack.

The student uses money to buy ingredients needed for a planned menu, and pays for food when eating out.

Personal care and wellbeing

Food and nutrition

Personal safety

The student plans, shops for and prepares food, following a recipe.

When using cooking equipment the student does so carefully. Food is handled and stored safely and appropriately.

Being part of a community

Using local facilities

Students identify where to buy items of food and/or drink and know where to store them within their familiar environments.

The arts

Visual art

The different features of natural, raw ingredients (such as vegetables and fruit) and those of processed food, are explored through the senses.

Physical education (PE)

Movement skills (athletics/gymnastics)

Fine motor skills for eating and drinking as well as food preparation are developed

[1] Text to include all products of language use: oral, gesture, sign, written, visual, electronic and digital.

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