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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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Progression from Primary to Senior Cycle

Primary School Curriculum

While Home Economics is not a stand-alone subject within the primary school curriculum, in its strands, elements and outcomes, Junior Cycle Home Economics can progress related learning that has taken place at primary level. The primary Social, Personal and Health Education curriculum aims to nurture the personal development, health and wellbeing of the child and encourages them to become active and responsible citizens in society. Within the curriculum area of Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE), students are facilitated to develop an understanding of the natural, human, social and cultural dimensions of the world around them. SESE aims to develop students who are informed and caring members of communities. Such awareness, attitudes, knowledge and skills are addressed and developed in the study of Home Economics in junior cycle.

Senior Cycle

Junior Cycle Home Economics will provide strong links to Leaving Certificate Home Economics with students building on their knowledge and practical skills in food studies, resource management, consumer studies and social studies from junior cycle. If students choose the Leaving Certificate optional pathway of textiles, fashion and design they will develop practical textile skills established at junior cycle. Elements of Home Economics feature in many schools as part of a Transition Year (TY) programme. These elements and associated activities include practical food skills and nutrition modules; food business; mini-company; social enterprises; childcare; design and craft; fashion design; interior design; and cookery and textile competitions. Furthermore, Home Economics at junior cycle prepares students who opt for the Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) subject areas of Hotel, Catering and Tourism and Childcare, Community Care.

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