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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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Planning, Teaching and Assessment

June 2018: Report of the review of the early enactment of Junior Cycle English can be found here.

October 2016: Guidance and Early Insights from Teachers Enacting the Curriculum can be found here.

In planning a course, care will be needed to find a balance between choosing a sufficiently broad range of Texts
All products of language use—oral, gesture, sign, written, visual, using Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), objects of reference, Braille, tactile, electronic, digital and/or multimodal—can be described as texts. Multimodal texts include the combination of a variety of forms of communication such as print text, digital text, visual images, audio (e.g., a performance or event) and spoken word. In this definition, 'multimodal' is not synonymous with 'digital'.
and providing learners with a variety of language experiences and opportunities to develop the range of skills envisioned in the Learning outcomes
Statements in curriculum specifications to describe the knowledge, understanding, skills and values that students should be able to demonstrate after a period of learning. 
. Expectations for students, in the form of Learning outcomes
Statements in curriculum specifications to describe the knowledge, understanding, skills and values that students should be able to demonstrate after a period of learning. 
and guidelines to inform choice of Texts
All products of language use—oral, gesture, sign, written, visual, using Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), objects of reference, Braille, tactile, electronic, digital and/or multimodal—can be described as texts. Multimodal texts include the combination of a variety of forms of communication such as print text, digital text, visual images, audio (e.g., a performance or event) and spoken word. In this definition, 'multimodal' is not synonymous with 'digital'.
are included in the curriculum specification for English.

The Junior Cycle English Text List for 2014 - 2020 is available here.

Junior Cycle English Text List for 2018 - 2023 is available here.

The Guidelines for the Classroom-Based Assessments and Assessment Task for Junior Cycle English provide general information on the two classroom-based assessments, Oral Communication and the Collection of the Student's Texts
All products of language use—oral, gesture, sign, written, visual, using Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), objects of reference, Braille, tactile, electronic, digital and/or multimodal—can be described as texts. Multimodal texts include the combination of a variety of forms of communication such as print text, digital text, visual images, audio (e.g., a performance or event) and spoken word. In this definition, 'multimodal' is not synonymous with 'digital'.
and guidelines for their completion. They also provide support for teacher judgement through the process of Subject Learning and Assessment
Assessment is the process of generating, gathering, recording, interpreting, using and reporting evidence of learning in individuals, groups or systems. Educational assessment provides information about progress in learning, and achievement in developing skills, knowledge, behaviours and attitudes.
Review and details of the Assessment
Assessment is the process of generating, gathering, recording, interpreting, using and reporting evidence of learning in individuals, groups or systems. Educational assessment provides information about progress in learning, and achievement in developing skills, knowledge, behaviours and attitudes.
Task. Examples of ongoing student work and annotated student Classroom-Based Assessments can be found here. An archive of  Assessment
Assessment is the process of generating, gathering, recording, interpreting, using and reporting evidence of learning in individuals, groups or systems. Educational assessment provides information about progress in learning, and achievement in developing skills, knowledge, behaviours and attitudes.
Tasks, stimulus materials and guidelines for completing the task can be found here.

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