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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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Expectations for Students

Expectations for students is an umbrella term that links learning outcomes with annotated examples of student work in the subject specification. When teachers, students or parents looking at the online specification scroll through the learning outcomes, a link will sometimes be available to examples of work associated with a specific learning outcome or with a group of learning outcomes. The examples of student work will have been selected to illustrate expectations and will have been annotated by teachers. The examples will include work that is:

  • exceptional
  • above expectations
  • in line with expectations.

The purpose of the examples of student work is to show the extent to which the learning outcomes are being realised in actual cases.


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are statements that describe what knowledge, understanding, skills and values students should be able to demonstrate having studied Engineering in junior cycle. The learning outcomes set out in the following tables apply to all students. As set out here they represent outcomes for students at the end of their three years of study. The specification stresses that the learning outcomes are for three years and therefore the learning outcomes focused on at a point in time will not have been ‘completed’ but will continue to support the students’ learning of Engineering up to the end of junior cycle. The outcomes are numbered within each strand. The numbering is intended to support teacher planning in the first ins tance and does not imply any hierarchy of importance across the outcomes themselves. Engineering at junior cycle is offered at a common level. The examples of student work linked to learning outcomes will offer commentary and insights that support differentiation and inclusive classroom practices.


Students learn about Students should be able to
Engineering knowledge and awareness
  1. 1.1

    understand the concepts and approaches that are required when solving an engineering problem

  2. 1.2

    demonstrate a range of manufacturing processes

  3. 1.3

    recognise and adhere to health and safety standards

  4. 1.4

    understand the properties associated with a range of engineered materials

Innovation and exploration
  1. 1.5

    research applications of existing and emerging technological developments

  2. 1.6

    engage with the various engineering disciplines by relating them to everyday applications

Developing and manufacturing
  1. 1.7

    develop engineered solutions to various challenges

  2. 1.8

    identify appropriate tools and equipment specific to a task

  3. 1.9

    apply suitable manufacturing processes to engineer a product

  4. 1.10

    demonstrate high-quality work, to include accuracy and surface finish

  1. 1.11

    create sketches, models and working drawings

  2. 1.12

    interpret working drawings

  3. 1.13

    use appropriate technical language and notations

Students learn about Students should be able to
Engineering knowledge and awareness
  1. 2.1

    understand the key stages of the engineering design process

  2. 2.2

    evaluate the factors that influence design

  3. 2.3

    choose a suitable material to engineer a product

Innovation and exploration
  1. 2.4

    explore how design impacts on the function and quality of a product including ergonomic considerations

  2. 2.5

    apply appropriate engineering concepts and approaches in the execution of their design solutions

  3. 2.6

    use relevant information to enhance design and function

Developing and manufacturing
  1. 2.7

    apply their knowledge of the properties associated with a range of engineering materials

  2. 2.8

    manufacture a product from a working drawing

  3. 2.9

    modify an existing product/design

  4. 2.10

    incorporate basic project management techniques

  1. 2.11

    present ideas through modelling and prototyping, using appropriate media

  2. 2.12

    communicate their design decisions using suitable media

Students learn about Students should be able to
Engineering knowledge and awareness
  1. 3.1

    explain the operation of basic mechatronic systems

  2. 3.2

    investigate relationships between inputs, processes and outputs for basic control systems

  3. 3.3

    appreciate the application of mechanisms in a controlled system

Innovation and exploration
  1. 3.4

    explore the application of systems in an engineering setting such as the classroom, home and industry

  2. 3.5

    investigate the impact of mechatronics on the environment and society

  3. 3.6

    configure and program basic mechatronic systems using appropriate software

  4. 3.7

    design a basic mechatronic system either individually or collaboratively

Developing and manufacturing
  1. 3.8

    build and test a basic mechatronic system with specific inputs or outputs

  2. 3.9

    incorporate basic mechatronics into their engineered products

  1. 3.10

    represent key information using appropriate media

  2. 3.11

    justify their choice of the most appropriate system or systems for a specified purpose

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