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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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Resources suitable for TY SPHE

Schools are encouraged to design learning experiences in Transition Year that meet the needs and interests of their students. Therefore, consulting with students is an important aspect of planning for teaching and learning.  See sample consultation tools below.

Once students have been consulted about their prior learning, and they have agreed topics of relevance for the coming year, this information can be used to help plan learning and teaching for Transition Year SPHE.

Young people in Transition Year are at different stages of emotional, social and physical development and will bring a wide variation of life experiences to their learning in SPHE. Therefore, the relevance and appropriateness of each resource needs to be considered by the SPHE teacher, since the teacher is best placed to discern which resources are suited to supporting learning in the context of their students’ unique needs, stage of development and school context.

Who do you want to be?  A personal development micro-module for SPHE (PDF)

This module supports students’ personal development, self-worth and self-confidence by exploring their unique identities, characteristics, values and aspirations, thus encouraging them to be their best selves.

Communication skills for healthy relationships micro-module for SPHE (PDF)

This module enables students to develop and practise the core communication skills needed to build and maintain healthy relationships within family, school, work and social settings.


Relationships and sexuality micro-module (under development)

The following resources can support planning for learning and teaching in SPHE as part of a school’s Transition Year programme. This is neither a prescriptive or exhaustive list of possible resources.


Know the Score (HSE)

Know the Score support teachers to facilitate learning about drugs and alcohol with TY students



Mindout (HSE)

MindOut is an evidence-based mental health programme suitable for Transition Year and designed to be implemented within a single class period over 12 Weeks.

Emotional Wellbeing Resources for Post Primary School Teachers -


Activating Social Empathy Programme (Galway University) Under development

Activating Social Empathy (ASE) is a social and emotional learning micro module that aims to promote empathy and increase social responsibility values and behaviours among students.

Activating Social Empathy - University of Galway


More Than a Selfie programme (Bodywhys)

The lessons in this resource are designed to promote positive body image and self-esteem in young people, promote open discussion on body image and influences to body image and promote awareness and understanding of eating disorders and of the supports available for young people.   Secondary Schools Resources — BodyWhys


BodyRight (Dublin Rape Crisis Centre)

BodyRight is a sexual violence prevention programme, that aims to support those working with young people.  

To find out more email [email protected] or phone  01 661 4911

Schools are encouraged to design learning experiences in TY that meet the needs and interests of their students. Therefore, consulting with students is an important aspect of planning for SPHE. 

Here are two possible ways to approach this:

Engaging student voice to support planning in TY SPHE (PDF)

Adopting a 10 step approach to curriculum negotiation (PDF)


Useful links

A 10 minute video showing young students engaged in a negotiated curriculum project  Active Learning in the Negotiated Integrated Curriculum Project on Vimeo

Our Voices Our Schools – a project to support student voice In the Classroom - Our Voices Our Schools

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