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Consultation on the Primary Curriculum now open

Consultation on the Primary Curriculum now open

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The child…

explores a selection of items that  Form
Form refers to the published formats of a particular genre e.g. poem, short story, play, novel, memo, email, film etc.
 a group

The child…

attends to familiar toys and objects

The child…

names familiar toys and objects.

The child…

categorises familiar objects in the environment.

The child…

categorises a range of objects.

The child…

explains reasons for category membership.

The child…

gives reasons for category membership and exclusion.

The child…

describes and categorises unexperienced objects and events using appropriate language to topic to explain categorisation.

The child…

describes and categorises unfamiliar objects, events and experiences explaining meaning and showing knowledge of an unexperienced topic or subject

The child…

analyses and explains how and why categories are formed

uses categories across the curriculum for example, in relation to vocabulary to organise their thinking and to identify and verbalise similarities and differences

The child…

re-constructs categories depending on new criteria, appraising and justifying their new categories

Evaluates the pros and cons of using categories to organise their thinking

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