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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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ParaNorman and Life after Death

ParaNorman and Life after Death

Features of Quality: Religious Education – The human search for meaning

Features of Quality:

Religious Education – The human search for meaning


The report displays exceptional research and a clear understanding of how religious belief/the human search for meaning has been expressed in their chosen topic.

The report is compelling and comprehensive in showing how the topic explored relates to one or more of life’s big questions.

The report includes an insightful personal response which shows the student has engaged with the topic and come to their own considered conclusions.

Above Expectations

The report displays very good research and understanding of how religious belief/the human search for meaning has been expressed in their chosen topic.

The report shows very clearly how the topic explored relates to one or more of life’s big questions.

The report includes an authentic personal response which shows the student has engaged with the topic and come to their own considered conclusions.

In line with expectations 

The report displays reasonably good research and understanding of how religious belief/the human search for meaning has been expressed in their chosen topic.

The report shows in a reasonably clear manner how the topic explored relates to one or more of life’s big questions.

The report includes some personal response, albeit rather limited, showing the student has made some effort to draw their own considered conclusion.

Yet to meet expectations

The report displays limited research and understanding of how religious belief/the human search for meaning has been expressed in their chosen topic.

The report makes limited or little connection between the topic explored and one or more of life’s big questions.

There is little or no evidence of a personal response in the report or evidence of coming to their own considered conclusions.