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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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Assessment is an integral part of the learning process at all levels of schooling. Primarily it has two functions; to inform decisions about the learning experience and report on achievement. Assessment provides us with valuable information about what a learner has achieved, and where they need to make progress.

There are many types of assessment practices, each of which has a place in the classroom, all of which assist the teacher or practitioner to plan the learning programme and help students make progress in their learning. Some of these practices include questioning, discussing, project work, portfolios, class tests, presentations, end of year exams, standardised tests and state exams. Each of these practices has a different function. Some will capture the student’s progress over time or give a picture of a student’s performance at a certain point in time, others are used as a diagnostic tool or to get an insight in to the student’s understanding of a topic. The evidence of student learning gathered in any of these practices can be used by the teacher to make a judgement on the student’s attainment of the learning objectives and subsequently inform the learning programme. The focus of all assessment practices should be to improve student learning.

For more detailed information on assessment in the sector of interest to you, please click on the relevant link below:

Assessment in Early Childhood

Assessment in Primary School

Assessment in Junior Cycle

Assessment in Senior Cycle

Assessment Toolkit for Junior Cycle

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