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Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

Children’s School Lives Study: Report 7

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Assessing evidence of learning in L2LPs

On completion of a learning programme, students are expected to present evidence that they have successfully achieved the elements and learning outcomes pursued. The evidence can be presented in any of the forms or media above. Features of Quality, which are the success criteria through which the student’s work will be assessed will accompany the evidence of learning. These will set out what the evidence should include/convey to demonstrate that the student has successfully met the relevant learning outcome/s.

An example of gathering evidence of assessment that includes success criteria is set out in the following Observation Assessment Sheet.

Junior Cycle Teacher Observation/Assessment Sheet
Student name:                     Class:                                Teacher:
Learning outcomes in focus: Where was the student working? Classroom/Community


Priority Learning Unit (PLU)


Optional: for example evidence reference code or teacher planning/record code


Using a calculator

Learning Outcome:

Find and use a calculator on a mobile phone to work out how much several items will cost on a shopping trip.


Priority Learning Unit (PLU)



Managing money

Learning Outcome:

Pay for an item correctly in a real life shopping transaction.


Priority Learning Unit (PLU)

Living in a community


Using local facilities

Learning Outcome:

Identify familiar places in the local community.

 Assessment Activity:
A trip to a coffee shop

Success Criteria:
What do you want the students to do?
• To identify and choose a place to visit in the community from 3 photographs/images/written choices.
• To find a calculator app on the phone to add student food and drink choices in chosen café.
• To get appropriate note from wallet to pay for choice of items, based on calculation.

There is evidence of…
Paddy selected a café in the locality on the interactive panel from a choice of 3 images independently. We travelled to the café and Paddy needed prompting to get out the phone. wHe was able to access the calculator app independently but needed assistance to input the correct digits after making his choice of snack (pot of tea and a plain scone with jam and cream and butter!). Paddy took out his wallet when asked for the money and paid using a €5 note. Prompt from staff needed to change to €10.

Next steps/Feedback for student:
Work on inputting digits into phone. Rounding up to a higher price to select appropriate note.
Evidence Collected:
Video recording:
Signed: Date:

Evidence of learning can be generated through a wide range of assessment methods and in a variety of forms. The process through which evidence of learning is generated, gathered and judged is set out in Figure 2.

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