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Consultation on the Primary Curriculum now open

Consultation on the Primary Curriculum now open

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Recognising progress and achievement

Siobhan responds to positive feedback and she is delighted when she has completed a task successfully. Progress and achievement are recognised on a daily basis, and culminate in a whole-school assembly on a Friday afternoon where all achievements are celebrated. Siobhan loves to receive a ‘Student of the week’ certificate.

The class teacher will discuss with Siobhan their ideas on her achievements and how she might progress further. They start by agreeing on her targets and what will need to happen for her to be successful. At the end of the lessons Siobhan completes a self assessment checklist and this helps her to recognise her attainments and areas that require more work.

Main assessment tasks/activities for evidence of learning

Assessment takes the form of plenary sessions at the end of the lessons. These question-and-answer sessions allow for assessment opportunities to check on what Siobhan has learnt during the lesson. The main assessment tool is teacher observation and it is important to record and monitor attainment and progress. There continue to be close links between the IEP targets and curriculum targets and these are monitored and assessed regularly by the teacher.

The evidence of learning include photographic, worksheets, use of ICT and the creation of artefacts. Siobhan has created a portfolio of work that reflects the work she has completed and achieved.

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