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3 Draft Leaving Certificate specifications consultations

3 Draft Leaving Certificate specifications consultations

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Assessment process and evidence of learning

Chris’ needs and progress are formatively assessed each day by his teacher through discussions with the class team. Any adaptions needed to the task or support offered are made immediately. To record a summative assessment of Chris’ progress, an observation sheet is completed by Chris’ teacher after a period identified by the class teacher as adequate to allow for Chris’ learning (this is normally between 3-6 weeks depending on the familiarity and frequency of the activity).

In Chris’ school these observations are recorded on a Cross Curricular Learning Record, next to details of curriculum links and targets as can be seen on the next double page (for anonymity, Chris’ photographs have been removed from this copy).

Printed copies of the completed Cross Curricular Learning Records (with attached photos, links to videos and any relevant work such as art work or mark making) are filed into each student’s portfolio folder. Electronic copies of Learning Records and all video evidence are kept in individual files on the class computer and backed up on the school hard drive regularly.

Students’ portfolios are maintained by the class teacher and reviewed by the school principal twice each academic year. Post-primary teachers also meet termly to discuss, review and share teaching and learning.

Resonance Board Learning Record


The arts



Learning outcome

5.11 Respond to the elements of music (pitch, pulse, duration, dynamics, structure, timbre, texture, style, tempo)

Progression pathway


Features of Quality 1

Chris will demonstrate an understanding that the tempo of the drumming is going to increase by acting excited (squeezing knees/vocalising/smiling) after requesting more/when the drumming starts again. He will display a consistent response to the increase in tempo when the activity is repeated.




Awareness of environment

Learning outcome

2.6 Participate in cause and effect activities

Progression pathway

Becoming fluent/Generalising

Features of Quality 2

Chris will demonstrate his understanding of the cause and effect response created by using a switch to request ‘more’ of a range of activities. Following 2-3 hand-over-hand prompts to use the switch initially at the start of an interaction, Chris will press the switch to request more independently 3 out of 5 times.


Physical education


Movement skills

Learning outcome

6.2 Move whole or some body parts to explore immediate environment

Progression pathway

Becoming fluent

Features of Quality 3

Chris will approach the resonance board and position himself on or next to it independently. Chris will use various body parts to explore the vibration of the board. He will be encouraged to move his body in response to the movement of the location of the drumming on the resonance board.


  • The teacher will show Chris a photograph of the resonance board and say, ‘Drumming time Chris’.
  • She will then collect the board and place it on the floor within 2 metres of Chris.
  • The teacher will then start drumming 2 boom sticks on the board loudly while counting to 5 slowly, increasing the tempo then saying ‘stop’ and stopping drumming.
  • The teacher will repeat this pattern.
  • Chris will be called verbally to the board but will be left to approach and position himself independently.
  • When Chris is settled on the board, he will be shown a switch with the ‘more’ symbol on top at the end of the drumming and supported hand-over-hand initially to press the switch.
  • After this initial turn, the prompts will be faded to verbal and reduced physical prompts as the activity continues (see below).
  • When Chris appears familiar with the routine of the activity, the placing of the boom sticks will be moved around the board to encourage further exploration.

Support level

Initially support Chris with hand-over-hand use of the switch to introduce the activity then reduce this to verbal (‘press for more’) and physical (pointing to switch) prompts.



Location & setting

Classroom: 2:2 small group sensory music lessons


When Chris is shown the photograph of the resonance board he attended to it well visually for around 20 seconds.

When the resonance board was brought into the room, Chris immediately looked to it and tracked the board as it was moved into its location.

Immediately when the teacher began to drum the boom sticks on the resonance board, Chris walked over to the board independently and sat on it smiling and looking between the sticks and the teacher.

When the teacher completed a count to 5, she held the ‘more’ switch up to Chris, putting it into his line of vision saying ‘press for more’. The switch was then placed in front of Chris. Chris quickly followed the familiar prompts and within 1 minute he pressed the switch. Chris demonstrated an awareness of the purpose of the switch by displaying anticipation through squeezing his knees tight to his chest, smiling, looking towards the teacher and making a squealing vocalisation.

Over the course of the activity the prompts to press the switch were reduced until the teacher was pointing to the switch at the end of counting to 5 and stopping the drumming (after around 10 cycles of the same repeated pattern). Chris consistently pressed the switch to request more within 2 minutes 4 times out of 5.  (At one point, Chris did not press the switch but picked up and dropped one of the boom sticks. He was then reminded verbally by the teacher to ‘press for more’ while she pushed the switch closer to him. Chris responded by pressing the switch almost immediately and giggling when the drumming started.)

When Chris seemed settled into the routine (after around 5 minutes) then teacher began occasionally moving the placement of the sticks while drumming so they were closer to one side rather than the middle. After 2 rhythm patterns in this position, Chris shuffled himself, in a seated position, closer to the sticks. The same response was noted later.

Learner’s response

Chris appears familiar with the activity, taking a quick interest in it and remaining engaged throughout. He seems to be developing a good understanding of the purpose of the ‘more’ switch; a skill he now uses in 3 different activities with varied levels of prompting. Chris demonstrates awareness of the routine of the activity (the tempo increasing over counts to 5 then stopping) and becomes increasingly excited as the speed builds.


Features of Quality


Evidence source & Location


Chris consistently responds to the increasing tempo of the drumming with pleasure and excitement. This response was repeated over several repetitions of the activity.


Desktop >

Chris > Feb 2018 >Resonance board


Chris demonstrates a good understanding of the cause and effect response by consistently (4 times out of 5) pressing the switch to request ‘more’ in 3 different settings (with varied prompts).




Chris repeatedly moved his body independently to explore the activity in a way that he preferred (being as close as possible to the vibrations).


(see above)

Notes/Next steps

  • Chris has demonstrated great enjoyment and engagement with this activity—further musical/vibration-based activities should be incorporated into Chris’ learning programme.
  • Chris is starting to generalise using a switch to request more—prompts should be consistent across all setting and activities to ensure skill development.
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