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Consultation on the Primary Curriculum now open

Consultation on the Primary Curriculum now open

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Recognising progress and achievement

During the end of day circle time, Chris’ class celebrate individual achievements for each student from that day. This may be shared verbally, through photographs taken on the iPad or by showing the whole class videos of the success. Chris does seem to show some awareness of verbal praise and clapping (often smiling) but he has the strongest response to seeing a video of his success followed by cheering and clapping. Chris becomes very excited by this, throwing his hands into the air and vocalising loudly.

This sharing is followed by a dance to a celebration song which Chris seems to enjoy, smiling and moving around a lot throughout. Details of achievements are outlined daily for Chris’ parents in his home-school communication diary. Photographs will also be sent every few weeks to illustrate the progress discussed.

Fortnightly achievements are selected for each student and celebrated during assemblies with all post-primary classes. During this time a short photograph slideshow or video of Chris’ work is shown. A familiar staff member from the class team will sit with Chris during this time to strengthen and reinforce the praise and ensure he understands that people are clapping for him at the appropriate time.

At the end of each half term, a DVD of photographs and videos is sent home with each student outlining and celebrating their work, achievements and favourite activities from that half term. On the last day the whole class watch these videos in school before they are sent home to reinforce the connection between home and school.

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